The Parliament passed the Act on international development cooperation and international humanitarian assisstance

Publicated on: January 15, 2015

The Act XC of 2014 on international development cooperation and international humanitarian assistance was passed by the Parliament during its session of 15 December 2014.

The Act was promulgated in the National Gazette No. 183 of 2014 ( (English translation is under process.)

Entry into force: 1 July 2015.

The Act plays an important role in defining new directions for the implementation of international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance policies and achieving goals set by the strategy of international development cooperation adopted by the Government in March of 2014. The law aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation with partner countries and increase the efficiency of implementation. It defines the principles of the policies as well as the basic rules of planning, implementation, funding and controlling. Detailed execution rules will be set by a government decree and ministerial decrees to be legislated until the entry into force of the Act.

The Act was prepared following consultation with a wide range of experts: a working group was created with the attendance of competent departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and a social debate attended by several competent ministries and civil society organisations also took place on 24 September 2014. Hereby we would like to thank all the experts having been involved in the preparation of the Act for their valuable contributions to this work.


